Monday, April 28, 2008

Rotary Youth Exchange 2008-2009


So most of you know by now that I got accepted into the Rotary Youth Exchange Program. I am sponsored by the Burlington Central Rotary Club. I was accepted in October and then I had to go to an orientation up north (a.k.a extreme winter camping). I did sleep outside in a quinzhee (snow hut) how Canadian I know, seriously every Canadian has to do it, best sleep of my life. So then I had to wait for like a month which seemed more like 5 months until I got to know my country which is CHILE!!! So happy about that it was one of my first choices, well I decided the night before the ceremony that I wanted to go to there, ahh so lucky!

I have been waiting around 3 months to find out about my host family. Then out of the blue on April. 27th this random person adds me on MSN. Of course I ask "who are you?" the usual, turns out it was one of my host brothers, Javier. Wow, that was unexpected! I pretty much started jumping around the house, and acting hyper for the rest of the night, needless to say I didn't get to sleep for awhile! But what I know is that I am going to be in a small city near Santiago, called Talagante!