When we got to Punta Arenas we had our Rotary obligations and we were invited to a lunch at a Rotarians house who owns like a farm, with lots of sheep as well, we watched one get sheared. Kind of disturbing. We also saw alpacas, llamas (the ones that spit), emu's, and ostriches. The emu actually fed out of my hand, a little scary because it sees the food staring from the side of his head and then dodges towards your hand like it is going to bite it right off. Of course it doesn't, but my friend Maddy was screaming when it was eating out of her hand ahah. We even went into a fenced area with three llamas and we were chasing them, I actually got close enough to pet one, and then there was Philipp who was trying to ride one, and Matthew from Colorado was the only one that was able to calm them. Two of them actually looked like they were about to spit and were chasing my friend Liz around the place haha. 
We then saw some more penguins but they were farm penguins not like the ones we saw the first day at the beach. They made really funny sounds though, after this some kids went to play soccer with a sheep skull, I was too tired and talked to som
e Rotarians instead. For "once" we all had to wear our blue polos and Rotary jackets, which mine is getting way to heavy. Canadians however get awesome bright red ones, and my friend Paul from France gets a bright blue one, and all the other boring countries have navy blazers (kidding they arn't boring they just don't have spunk :P) We were at the meeting for a while for "once" mainly just talking in english when we weren't supposed to and the people who have their banners from their host clubs at home gave them to the club (which by the way any Rotarians from my club reading this should be reminded that I am waiting for those banners to be sent to Chile like you said they would haha, but really)
We then saw some more penguins but they were farm penguins not like the ones we saw the first day at the beach. They made really funny sounds though, after this some kids went to play soccer with a sheep skull, I was too tired and talked to som

I've definitely warmed up to the bright red blazer. It's much more unique compared to the others.
You'll definitely have to tell me how to get a flag like that before I go on exchange. I have no idea who to contact for that kind of stuff.
it's the best way to go :)
mine is massively heavy
Hahaha. I love your face with the llamas. glad you didn't get spat on :P I didn't know there was such a thing as farm penguins. Weirdo.
I love your jacket, but I don't get the buttons? One from every rotary place that you visit or something?
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