The third day in the south of Chile we were on a boat all day touring around the lakes. Of course the day started off with rain but by the time we had to be on the boat it was a nice day out. Most of the exchange students quite enjoy the rain because in the Santiago Valley it only rains in the winter season and only at night, so to have rain during the day was quite the odd occurence.
Most of the time inside the boat I slept on the table, seeing as how the day before we were tired and went to bed at 1am and had to wake up at 6:30am and we did this for two days in a row, I was catching up on my sleep a lot while in the bus or boat. If you were outisde the boat while it was steaming through the lakes you got absoultely soaked through and through which happened to Christy from Hawaii (and she didn't have a proper waterproof jacket either), Kirk from North Carolina, Jonah from Uxbridge Canada, and Philipp from Germany. Kirk & Jonah ended up wearing shorts for the rest of the day, and mind you it was probably a high of 13 C for the day, and we were on a cold boat. Although Philipp doesn't mind anything and spent his day acting like a pirate on the ship. Once the rain stopped a little we had a beautiful rainbow.

When the boat was at its slow pace we were allowed to goutside without getting completely soaked. I would always stand at the very front of the boat. At one point we had 4 dolphins jumping around the boat as well. Most of the lake looked like British Columbia to me again but there was glaciers and waterfalls which added something new.

This is Liz from Oklahoma and me just showing how bad that wind can really be, or at least to someone without a hat. Which I lived in mine for that week.

At one point we got off the boat to go trekking towards a huge glacier, it was raining and the rocks were slippery mind you, we had a couple people hurt themselves and twist their ankles.

This is what it looked like while trekking, it was so awesome to have trees on the mountains, since in Santiago all the hills are almost bare, and notice the steep staircase, that is how people get hurt haha.
This is looking in the opposite direction of the glacier to the rocky outcrop that we were situated on. A lot of streams were flowing through the rocks. You can see a lot of the exchaners as w

ell. After travelling a little bit more we stopped for lunch somewhere where there was some actual flat ground. You can see Daniela from Germany, Ann from German

y, Liz and me. This is the Chilean Flag and the Patagonian Flag. Afterwards we headed back on the boat and headed back home, which I mostly slept in the boat again, and I sleep with my mouth open so my friends decided to shove a mini morocha in my mouth (its a small cookie) and apparently I felt nothing so they shoved it farther down, in turn I woke up and automatically spat out the cookie like it was poison or something. I actually thought it was a coin since it was so cold. I learned to sleep with my mouth closed that week seeing as how twice in a row Fred decided to get a capful of water and pour it in my mouth, to which I would wake up distubed and have water all down my shirt.
Only rains at night? Why is that exactly? It sounds so odd.
There's dolphins in that area? Cool!
lol at the people taking advantage of a sleeping Taylor.
You got some really nice pictures!
hahaha. I would do the same thing to you. water in open mouth. except I'd probably put something worse than a cookie. :P
Those mountains are intense!
Dolphins AND glaciers? isn't that, like contradictory? hahahaha.
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